Our Vision
To Convey The Message of Al-Islam for the Promotion of Human Values and Global Unity.Ā
In the Qur'an, Allah says to our prophet, "And We have not sent you except as a mercy to all the worlds". As inheritors of hisĀ work, it is incumbent upon Muslims in general, and the students of the Qur'an and his guided way in particular, to advance theĀ principles of moral excellence, respect for common sense, justice, and human brotherhood. IQSL was founded as an educationalĀ platform through which these values could be articulated within the context of Islamic Sciences. Our goal is to prepare studentsĀ who strive to realize the Abrahamic vision of the Promised Human Community.Ā To this end, we go beyond the traditionalĀ methodology of imparting the opinions of the great thinkers of yesterday. With respect to the classical heritage of IslamicĀ knowledge, we offer a view of the Qur'an and Prophetic Sunnah in light of their relevance to the most pressing challenges of ourĀ time.